Delete a virtual machine


To delete a virtual machine, follow these steps:

  1. Select Compute -> Virtual machines from the sidebar
  2. Find the virtual machine you wish to delete from the virtual machines table
  3. Click the virtual machine name / hostname to open the overview page
  4. From the Actions sidebar, click on Delete virtual machine
  5. Confirm the action in the prompt which appears and click the delete button

The virtual machine will then be moved to your organisations Deleted items, akin to the trash on your PC. This provides you or another user within your organisation the chance to reverse the action. Items will remain in the trash for a period of 48 hours.

Side effects to virtual machine deletion

The deleted items facility primarily exists as a method for you to restore a given machine or similar object, i.e. a disk, to the state it was at the point of deletion. Where a virtual machine is concerned this means that all associated system disks and ISOs will also be restored should you elect to restore the virtual machine. Therefore should you attempt to delete an ISO from your organisation where that ISO is connected with a machine currently in the deleted items, the ISO deletion will fail. This is by design and ensures virtual machine restoration can be restored with all resources they had prior to deletion. To override this you must first manually purge the deleted items.