Deleted Items

In This Guide

About Deleted Items

The deleted items section of the Katapult Console acts as a second-chance for the accidental deletion of critical infrastructure resources including but not limited to: virtual machines; disks and backups. While a user must confirm any deletion action of aforementioned resources they will remain in the deleted items section of the console for 48 hours before permanent removal. While the resource remains in a deleted state it will not be visible to other resources within Katapult unless you restore the item in question.

Restoring a deleted item

If you deleted a resource by accident and wish to restore it then follow these steps:

  1. Click Deleted Items in the sidebar
  2. Click on the Restore button next to the deleted item you wish to restore.
  3. Confirm the restore action

Purging all deleted items

Should you wish to remove all items from the deleted items page and override the otherwise set 48 hour waiting period then follow these steps:

  1. Click Deleted Items in the sidebar
  2. Click on the Purge all items button.
  3. Confirm the purge action.