Manage existing certificates

Re-issue Certificate

If you use LetsEncrypt for your Katapult certificates and need to re-issue one for whatever reason then follow these steps:

  1. Select Certificate from the Domains & Certificates nav item in the left sidebar.
  2. Select the certificate in question
  3. From the Actions sidebar click Re-issue certificate

The re-issue action will now be queued. You will be able to monitor its progress in the certificate history at the bottom of the page.

Download a Certificate

To download a certificate from Katapult follow these steps:

  1. Select Certificate from the Domains & Certificates nav item in the left sidebar.
  2. Select the certificate in question
  3. From the Actions sidebar click Download certificate
  4. A plain text encrypted certificate file will be displayed on screen.

Download Certificate Chain

To download a certificate chain Katapult follow these steps:

  1. Select Certificate from the Domains & Certificates nav item in the left sidebar.
  2. Select the certificate in question
  3. From the Actions sidebar click Download certificate chain
  4. A plain text encrypted certificate chain will be displayed on screen.

Download Private Key

If you have used LetsEncrypt and wish to download the private key for use elsewhere then follow these steps:

  1. Select Certificate from the Domains & Certificates nav item in the left sidebar.
  2. Select the certificate in question
  3. From the Actions sidebar click Download private key
  4. Enter your account password to authenticate this action
  5. You will be shown the certificate file on screen.

View in Certificate API

  1. Select Certificate from the Domains & Certificates nav item in the left sidebar.
  2. Select the certificate in question
  3. Click View in certificate API in the Actions sidebar
  4. Confirm password prompt
  5. The API JSON response will be shown

Reset API Token

Resetting the API token for this certificate will change the access token and break functionality for any resource using the API. To reset your certificate token follow these steps:

  1. Select Certificate from the Domains & Certificates nav item in the left sidebar.
  2. Select the certificate in question
  3. Click Reset API token in the _Actions sidebar
  4. Click Continue button

Delete a Certificate

To delete a certificate from Katapult follow these steps:

  1. Select Certificate from the Domains & Certificates nav item in the left sidebar.
  2. Select the certificate in question
  3. From the Actions sidebar select Delete certificate
  4. Confirm the deletion action in the prompt that appears
  5. Click the Delete button

The deletion will be queued. The action is irreversible.