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S3 Compatibility

Katapult Object Storage provides an S3-compatibile API, allowing you to use the same tools and libraries you would with Amazon S3.

Some features however are not supported. Below is a list of commonly used features and whether they are supported by Katapult Object Storage:

Bucket CRUDNoReading buckets is supported, but creating and deleting buckets is only available in Katapult's web interface or API.
Object CRUDYes
Object CopyYes
Multipart UploadsYes
Presigned URLsYes
Bucket ACLsNo
Object ACLsNo
Bucket Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)YesTo continue to use the Katapult browser upload tool you will need to allow PUT requests via the Katapult domain.
Bucket VersioningYes
Bucket ReplicationNo
Bucket NotificationsNo
Bucket TaggingNo
Object TaggingNo
Bucket LifecycleYes
Bucket InventoryNo
Bucket Access LoggingYes
Bucket MetricsNo
Object LockNo